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tv   KRON 4 News at 8  KRON  January 4, 2013 8:00pm-9:00pm PST

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(male announcer) this is bay area news station, kron 4 news starts now.tonight at six. a tragic end to the search for 19- year-old alyssa byrne. her body was discovered this morning. next at eight. a missing petaluma teenager is found dead in lake tahoe.
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kron4 is live there as police try to figure out what happened. and a vigil underway for the 19-year-old girl in petaluma tonight. as family and friends remember alyssa byrne graduated from the school, located. i'm catherine heenan. see you at eight! tonight at six. a tragic end to the search for 19-year- old alyssa byrne. her body was discovered this morning. friends and family are gathering in petaluma for a candlelight vigil. but first, we start our team coverage tonight in lake tahoe. kron4's philippe djegal is there live with the latest. philippe? >> reporter: last time the el dorado couny sheriff's department says crews planned on searching for alyssa byrne in the snow this morning. but before they left. she had already been found. dead and alone. >> this utility truck was of very high and was able to look over the embankment and spotted her body >> they say that her to have to help to identify her body.
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>> there does not seem to be any trauma to the body. >> she was found about 5 mi. away from this hotel where she was staying with friends and family. she was in town for a 3 day music festival. at this time investigators it to not know if she got lost or if she went for a walk. investigators say that she was intoxicated that night. it is still not clear how she died >> the tab has been extremely cold with the subs 0 at night to the temperatures. it could be hypothermia. we do not know until we get the autopsy and the toxicology report that would take over one month the last time the el dorado county sheriff's department
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says 19-year-old alyssa byrne was seen. around midnight on new years eve. that is until her body was spotted friday morning. ten feet off pioneer trail near black bart avenue. lieutenant pete van arnum says she was fully clothed. he says a tatoo helped identify her body. byrne was found about five miles away from this hotel. where the sheriff's department says she was staying with friends and family. byrne was in town for a three day music festival at lake tahoe community college. at this time, investigators don't know if she got lost walking back to the hotel from the concert. or, went for a walk. investigators also say some witnesses tell them that byrne was intoxicated that night. it's still not clear how she died. reporting live, phillipe djegal, kron 4 news. >> reporter: byrne's body has been taken autopsy. which the sheriff's department says will be performed this weekend. live in south lake tahoe, philippe djegal, kron four our team coverage continues with grant lodes. it is presumed to that issue could have taken a wrong turn. her body was found to the west and keep in mind that this
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area is covered in snow. snow follows are creatingsnow pg these huge piles of snow along the side of the road. grant lodes, kron 4. >> catherine: kron4's jeff bush is live in petaluma where alyssa's friends and family gathered many people have showed up. it is clear that she was very well liked by the number of the will that have come out tonight. at least 1000 people have made their way to this high school where she graduated in 2011 half. it's let me you pg in with flowers and candles felshe was an athlete and she liked playing basketball and she also played lacrosse. she was popular and nice to
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everybody. >> she was friends, i swear with everyone is very heartbreaking to know that so many lives have been impacted by this. it is still hard to believe. i am getting flowers for somebody's birthday but i've never had to do something like this. losing someone, it is very difficult >> i know that this many people have cared about her she had all people around town. she was a very special place in our hearts. we wanted to do anything we could. >> people are still showing up to pay their respects reporting live, jeff bush, kron 4. >> catherine: stay with kron-4 as we continue to follow the investigation. updates are also available on our website, kron-4-dot- com, and our facebook and twitter pages. a police chase in san francisco today. police say a man was driving a stolen s-u-v.
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this is video from sky 7. the man ran from police when they tracked him down.but he was found shortly afterwards and arrested. police set up a perimeter in the area looking for other suspects. no one was hurt. but the suspect may have hit a patrol car. >> the naked man involved in a tense police stand-off in san jose on new year's day was in court today. police say charles bennett had a samurai-style sword and an assault rifle. officers say he brandished the sword.before finally dropping it in that face- off. they later found the gun in his car. bennett did not enter a plea today. new at eight. a fairfield car thief was arrested today. but not before he led police on a car chase.then ran away from officers. 44-year-old richard pillard was found hiding in the garage of a friend's home. he's been arrested and faces charges including car theft.and hit and run.
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a 19-year old gang member is now facing a list of charges including murder. that's following tuesday's deadly crash in san francisco's mission district. david morales had his first court appearance today and kron 4's dan kerman was there. >> reporter: shackled at the wrists and wearing a jail issued orange sweatshirt and pants, 19 year old david morales appeared in court friday but did not enter a plea the media was also not allowed to show his face on camera at a news conference friday, >> we are going to be prosecuting this case to the fullest extent. >> reporter: district attorney george gascon said morales is the gang member who shot at three people on tuesday then led police on a high speed chase through san francisco's mission district before running a red light and crashing into another vehicle killing two people and injuring a third >> he was trying to get away
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under the condition of a felony. >> reporter: in addition to 2 counts of murder, morales also faces 3 counts of attempted murder, evading arrest and participating in a gang the d.a. says though only 19, morales has been involved in gang for sometime, and said his arrest should be a wake up call for parents. >> any sign of gang involvement at an early age, 11, 12, 13, should be an opportunity for you to pay attention and get involved with your children's life. to make sure that by the time they're 17, 18, 19 bay to not add up going to present for hurting someone else. >> reporter: if convicted? he will face 200 years in prison. at the hall of justice, dan kerman, kron 4. >> catherine: a fire at a marijuana club in san jose is being described as suspicious. it was reported around 4:20
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this morning at the palliative health center on zanker road. fire crews say there was an odor of gasoline at the building, which was empty at the time. no word yet on the exact cause. >> jacqueline: we are still seeing mostly clear skies and cooler temperatures. temperatures are already dropping in the 30's in fairfield. as we typically see it is 37 there right now. 40's and a napa. pleasanton and also 44 degrees in san mateo. as for ticket look outside the satellite & radar mostly clear. high clouds have been streaming through but nothing major. if a bit further offshore the rain and cloud coverage approaching the coast. the tail end of this system is showing that it is wide. here is the cold front.
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pressing into the bay area tomorrow. we will see raid on saturday night. with the increase with clouds but mostly clear and chilly. those clouds will also keep things a bit warmer. >> catherine: new details in the case of the speed freak killers. the two men authorities say went on a meth induced an 90's. and congress is back to work. after surviving a failed coup led by his own members. house speaker john boehner wants to take that same fractured party into battle. ♪ [ female announcer ] no more paper coupons. no more paper lists. [ dog barking ] ♪ no more paper anything. safeway presents just for u. ♪
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save more. save easier. saving more, starts now. just for u on the safeway app. [ male announcer ] it's no secret that the price of things just keeps going up. [ female announcer ] but we have some good news. it's our bundle price promise. [ male announcer ] a price you can definitely count on, for two whole years. from at&t. [ female announcer ] a great price for a great triple-play bundle. [ male announcer ] call now. bundles with u-verse tv, internet and home phone start at $89 a month. now get the same great price for two years. [ female announcer ] switch today and get a total home dvr included, free for life. [ male announcer ] you get reliable, high speed internet on our advanced digital network. choose from speeds up to 24 megs. [ female announcer ] and with u-verse tv you can record four shows at once on your total home dvr and play them back in any room. [ male announcer ] so call now. u-verse triple-play bundles start at $89 a month. now get the same great price for two years. [ female announcer ] with a total home dvr included, free for life.
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[ male announcer ] it's a triple-play bundle that's hard to beat. same great price. two whole years. price promise. [ female announcer ] that has a nice ring to it. [ male announcer ] only from at&t. ♪ progresso. your new light creamy potato with bacon & cheese soup says it's 100 calories a serving. that's right. in what world do potatoes, bacon and cheese add up to 100 calories? your world. my world. ♪ [ whispers ] real bacon...creamy cheese... [ whispers ] 100 calories... say it again... [ whispers ] 100 calories... ma'am, hello? ma'am? [ female announcer ] find progresso light for a great price today at your local safeway store.
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new at 8 tonight the case of the speed freak killers appears to be taking shape yet again in the central valley. wesley shermantine and loren herzog were dubbed speed freak killers after authorities say they went on a meth induced killing rampage in the 80's an 90's. both were convicted of numerous killings. herzog later committed suicide. kron 4's j.r. stone is following the story and joins us tonight with new details about a new search. while many are happy about the f.b.i joining this investigation keep in mind this is an agency that has received bad press in recent weeksspecifically over their f.b.i. laboratory's hair and fibers unit. 21-thousand cases before 2000 are now being reviewed by the department.
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this is after an independent review saying that heavy machinery could have mixed the child's remains with 2 other victims. >> when they brought that big piece of equipment out there i did not pay much attention but expert says you cannot do that with a back hoe! you have to excavate with practically hand tools. >> we do know that those were shown four different sites. from was the sherman tied. while many people are happy that the fbi has joined this investigation they of received bad press specifically over the fbi of air and fibers unit 21,000
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cases of 40,000 are now being reviewed by the department of justice department of justice. j.r. it's back to work for congress. but whether or not any actual work will get done is still up in the air. jim acosta reports. (camera shutters) mr. speaker how are you? gonna have ah, just going to have a few days of real life. after surviving a failed coup led by his own members. a beleaguered house speaker john boehner wants to take that same fractured party into battle. in a closed door meeting of house republicans. a source in the room tells cnn. boehner said he will demand budget cuts that are larger than any increase in the nation's debt limit. >> >>reporter: have another debate on weather or not they should pay the bills
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that they have already racked up. airlines>> "with the cliff behind us , the focus turns to spending." that puts republicans in congress back on a collision course with the white house. after the president insisted earlier this week he will me ceiling. debate with this congress over whether or not they should pay the bills that they've already racked up through the laws that they passed." if the president won't come to the bargaining table. one top republican in the senate, john cornyn. says in an op-ed in the houston chronicle: "it may be necessary to partially shut down the government in order to secure the long-term fiscal well being of our country." a preview of that brinkmanship came in the house. where 67 republicans. including house budget chair paul ryan. voted against 9.7 billion dollars in aid for victims of super-storm sandy. despite the tongue lashing they got from new jersey governor chris christie. >> "shame on you. shame on congress." >> reporter: the fact that the rest of the storm relief is now up in the air until a vote later this month. was a let down for new york and new jersey lawmakers. even the freshmen. >> "i am new here. i don't know all the rules of washington but it sure seems like the rule here is to put off till tomorrow what should be done today." >> reporter: it was a return to the reality of broken
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government in washington. >> "come on mom take a chance. ruin your reputation here" >> reporter: after all of that good-will on display. when vice president joe biden was swearing in members of the 113th congress. and hamming it up with their loved ones. one day later we asked the vice president. if things have changed. his response. off-camera. "we're back to certifying the election." biden was heading into the house to certify the results of the presidential election. a ritual mandated in the constitution. and a reminder of the few things that can get done without a fight. former u-s congresswoman gabby giffords visited newtown, connecticut today. the town terrorized by a gunman who killed 27 people and himself three weeks ago. giffords and her husband met with families of the victims. she survived being shot in the head during a mass shooting in tucson nearly two years ago. critics of arizona's medical marijuana law thought it would cause
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"marijuana madness" among teens. but that didn't happen. a new study shows that teen pot use is actually declining in arizona since the law was passed in 20- 10. it's a slight drop.but still, the overall average is down. most of the teens surveyed say they got pot from friends. and about 12 perecent say they got it from someone with a medical marijuana card. >> jacqueline: we do have a dry, warmer weather for monday. the satellite and radar showing some clouds moving to the bay area. not much it is mostly clear but you can see that band of clouds associated. it will bring us clouds and rain. the futurecast showing 6:00 p.m. in the north bay. and
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for santa rosa, moderate at that. fairly widespread with light/moderate in this hour and this system as quickly going to press by 11:00. the east bayshore. that will press to the east also by sex and we will see clearing. but a chance that will also press out by-- 6... saturday afternoon towards the sunday it will be perhaps 6:00 p.m. with one half inch of accumulations. a very fast- moving system with 1 in. of rainfall expected in the mountains. a cold blast of air. in the sierras, some
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fresh powder with one-2 in. at a lake level. notice, temperatures are dropping the same on the extended forecast. as we go towards monday, tuesday, wednesday that high cloud pressure with a sunny and warm conditions. but as we take a look for next week. >> coming up later in this broadcast a legendary coach says he has had enough and also adjusted ghow much howh just a guess. 30 seconds of advertising for the super bowl. those stories coming up later in this broadcast.
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there's a new mobile social networking app. it was created by a stanford student and it's getting a lot of buzz. it's called "snap=chat". the tech world seems divided on this one. some say it will be the next big thing others say it's just a controversial tool used for sexting. kron four tech reporter gabe slate has the story. >> this is being used by 30 million people. with an average of 20 million it cent per day. however, the main component is that the message that contains a text or even a photograph, welwill automatically erase off of
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your smart device. you can set the time on how long it will last. and some have said that this is a good application for people that want to maintain their dignity online for future job prospects. we would like to know what you think. check me out on my facebook fan page. gabe slate tech report kron 4. ♪ [ female announcer ] no more paper coupons. no more paper lists.
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[ dog barking ] ♪ no more paper anything. safeway presents just for u. ♪ save more. save easier. saving more, starts now. just for u on the safeway app. progresso. your new light creamy potato with bacon & cheese soup says it's 100 calories a serving. that's right.
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in what world do potatoes, bacon and cheese add up to 100 calories? your world. my world. ♪ [ whispers ] real bacon...creamy cheese... [ whispers ] 100 calories... say it again... [ whispers ] 100 calories... ma'am, hello? ma'am? [ female announcer ] find progresso light for a great price today at your local safeway store.
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it looked like a congressional photo-shoot. but it turned out to be a photo-shopped. and a deer - stranded in the middle of a frozen lake. the rescue caught on tape! >> jacqueline: this live look, we will have changes however, coming up...
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the tragic end to a desperate search for a missing petaluma girl. the body of 19 year old alyssa byrne found behind a snow bank in south lake tahoe, less than a mile from the site of a concert she attended new year's eve. the santa rosa junior college student last seen mileaway at a muscical festival on new yrs eve police are saying there
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appears to be no signs of foul play. the case of the speed freak killers appears to be taking shape yet again in the central valley. last year more than one- thousand human bone fragments were found in a well in linden, california. the f-b-i is leading the investigation and on monday will determine how they will handle human remains if more are found. this comes months after the san joaquin's sheriff's department was criticized for how they handled the remains discovered. 19-year old gang member, david morales is now facing a list of charges including murder. that's following tuesday's deadly crash in san francisco's mission district. morales had his first court appearance today. he did not enter a plea. authorities say in addition to two counts of murder morales is being charged with 3 counts of attempted murder, and active participation in a street gang. a san jose man accused of shooting a suspected burglar was in court today. this was the scene monday. police say the suspect - christopher soriano - shot a man he believed had been burglarizing cars in the neighborhood. soriano was trying to detain the man when it happened. kron four's rob fladeboe has details of his court appearance. >> reporter: luis hernandez showed no emotion as walked into court friday, standing the entire time as he listened to the charges
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against him, occasionally conferring with his attorney. handcuffed and wearing the red jail garb assigned to high-risk inmates, hernandez is charged with murder, but his pastor says hernandez is no killer. >> he was not intending to be a vigilante. he was trying to suppress some of the activity that was taking place. the robberies, add to that was his place of employment. police say hernandez, a maintenance man here at the summer breeze apartments and his boss, tried to detain a suspected burglar on new year's eve. but before officers could respond, hernandez allegedly shot and killed 36-year-old san jose resident christopher soriano, in what some residents are calling an act of vigilante justice. >> this has been a complete shock and surprise is out of character. >> reporter: rodriguez says hernandez was only trying to
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help. the gun used in the shooting was illegally purchased and there appears to be no evidence the victim can be tied to on-going burglaries at the apartment complex. and while some say hernandez actions can be blamed on fewer cops on the street due to budget cuts and layoffs, police say there is no excuse for someone taking the law into their own hands. >> reporter: in san jose rob fladeboe4 kron 4 news a new report released today says that employees of the california department of parks and recreation intentionally hid millions of dollars from the state. kron 4's charles clifford has more. >> reporter: last summer it was discovered that the california department of parks and recreation may have had up to 54 million dollars hidden in two accounts. the news was particularily shocking because at the time california was considering closing down dozens of state parks due to a lack of funding the news also resulted in the resignation of parks and rec director ruth colemn. but in this new report, the state attorney generals office concludes that
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34 million dollars of that money was innocently misplaced, the remaining 20 million, however, was being kept a secret and park and rec employees knew about it. according to the attorney generals office, sometime in the mid nineteen nineties, the secret fund began to grow, unintentionally, as a result of what basically amounts to complex accounting errors. parks and rec employees were aware of the fund, but year after year failed to report the problem to the state department of finanace. after interviewing more than 40 state employees, the attorney generals office concludes that employees hid the money because they were worried that the department's budget would be cut if the money was discovered. they were also apparently embarrassed that deception had gone on for so long. the report also notes that over the years park and rec employees consistently requested, without success, that their superiors address the issue. while the report concludes that the fund was intentionally kept a secret, the a.g.'s office found no evidence that any of the money was stolen. it simply sat unused for years, a reserve of money with no purpose. in the newsroom, charles
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clifford kron 4 news. investigators now say chevron firefighters responding to a small richmond refinery leak may have accidentally punctured a main pipeline. the fire happened august 6th.sending a cloud of gas and black smoke through the area. thousands of people sought medical treatment. reports say the 40-year-old pipe already was weakened before the fire. and may have been punctured from the outside. investigators are examining firefighter tools to determine if they accidentally damaged the line. parking on the weekends in san francisco just got more expensive. starting this sunday, it's no longer free to park sundays in the city. you must now feed the meters from noon to 6 p.m. some small business owners say the move could drive away customers. but some argue it could free up more parking - because people won't be able to occupy one spot all day long. am i think that people expect to san francisco parking to be costing
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something. there won't be any sunday parking tickets issued until january 27th. but after that - a ticket will cost nearly 60 dollars. the new sunday parking could bring in another 2-million dollars a year for the city. what looked like a congressional photo-op turned out to be photo- shop. a picture released by house minority leader nancy pelosi's office shows the 61 democratic congresswomen sworn in yesterday. they're standing on the steps of capitol hill. but, it turns out that four of the women weren't actually there. today pelosi defended the photo - blaming it in part on the weather. >> this was an accurate record that it was freezing cold and there were waiting for a long time to arrive. they had to get back into the building to greet constituents, family members to ready to go to the floor.
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it was not as if we have the rest of the day to stand there. >> catherine: pelosi says the photo is an accurate reflection of the women of congress. an airline pilot was arrested in minneapolis today. after failing a breath- alyzer test.. police say an airport security worker tipped off police that the american eagle pilot smelled of liquor. the 48-year-old pilot was taken to a nearby hospital for blood tests, and released to airline personnel. >> i think that puts the faith in the american airlines system that they caught him before they caug they went into the air. we have to put trust and it is in their job is awful but i was glad that he was apprehended. >> catherine: the pilot has been kristiansen. airline crew members are banned from drinking alcohol within eight hours of a flight. three people were killed
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when a plane crashed into a north florida home today. this is cell phone video of the crash. the plane hit a palm coast home this afternoon. a woman inside the house was taken to the hospital. the f-a-a says the pilot reported that the plane had been shaking before it went down. the plane had been headed to a knoxville, tennessee airport. also, this funnel cloud was also spotted in miami dade county. >> jacqueline: we did enjoy some sunny skies and warmer temperatures even low 60s in redwood city. 59 in fremont. santa rosa, richmond, 57 degrees in san francisco but temperatures are dropping off, dramatically. 37 and fairfield. 41 novato and we
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are going to see more cold temperatures. mostly clear skies. some high clouds but this wider view shore mid tail end of this system is approaching the coast. it is going to make its way to the bay area over night. temperatures are going to drop into the 30's. cooling will be halted. it is still going to be chilly. and in decreasing cloud coverage for the day with afternoon rainfall. late afternoon rainfall. timing it out. >> coming up i will give up some high end headphones these are endorsed by michael phelps.. and swappable and you can purchase each piece and
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upgrade to build your perfect pair ... >> these fires are ron san francisco a round--san francisco
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progresso. your new light creamy potato with bacon & cheese soup says it's 100 calories a serving. that's right. in what world do potatoes, bacon and cheese add up to 100 calories? your world. my world.
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♪ [ whispers ] real bacon...creamy cheese... [ whispers ] 100 calories... say it again... [ whispers ] 100 calories... ma'am, hello? ma'am? [ female announcer ] find progresso light for a great price today at your local safeway store. (male announcer): now, here's stanley roberts who found people behaving badly. >> on this corner in san francisco is this only tree or what is left of this christmas tree. you can see the christmas lights and the tree stand. a few blocks away. there are other
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remnants of another possible christmas tree. in fact, from the beach to the bay these burned trees littered the salandscape. you can even this the burned trees on the beach. however the parks and recreation department is not happy and they say that it is illegal. this is all fun and games until the property could possibly get destroyed from these fires. my suggestion is to dispose
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of your christmas trees properly. we all know that some people just to not have any common sense. if you have a comment or story idea for stanley, e- mail us at m in massachusetts. a deer got stranded on an ice covered lake. you can see it slipping. two rescuers eventually came along. putting a bag over the deer's head to try and keep it calm. the poor deer didn't like any of this. it was eventually subdued and led safely back to shore. >> jacqueline: on we have changes coming up for the weekend. some lingering showers tomorrow in the victorious sunday. dry, warm weather returning. a look outside of the satellite and
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radar. fairly widespread in this cool front is not going to push through until six or seven. we can see that on the futurecast impacting the north bay. moderate rainfall towards 9:00 with light/moderate and it is going to move quickly. it is already pressing inland. fremont, antioch also moderate and the north bay. centrally by 2:00 p.m. and some agree showers after this presses through. by 6:00 p.m., it continues mainly in this inland area. we could see some spotty shower activity sunday afternoon but it should be large to drive by the afternoon. rainfall has lines. early sunday morning the rainfall totals under
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one half-inch. we could see a. more in the mountains. 1 in. possible along the coast. this cold air and snow levels are going to drop to the amount of 4,000 ft.. it will be pressing through before that happens. it's just a light dusting, if anything. for the sierras, a different story with the evening snow possible. a couple of inches in the morning and noticed temperatures are dropping to be low freezing on a sunday afternoon. taking a look at your extended forecast this rainfall will taper off by sunday. warmer weather for next week... >> gary: good evening, everybody.
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(cheers & applause) there he is after the break. the greatest winner in bay area sports history retired today. ladoucuer 399 wins and 151 game winning streak. >> i would like to think all of the athletes of the plate during my tenure. it was their hard work, dedication that inspired me and made me you were just as hard for them. they made it more than just football. to witness their growth s this team and individual surpassed my antique train is more than any coach and an ever dreamed. >> gary: he will stay and
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continue to teach religion. but a look at these numbers. he had the number of offers but he liked to stay where he was. he was there 34 years. the record that we imagine, the 28 championships, 10 that championships national. four straight titles to finish up with 151 game winning streak. 1992-2003. that 151 game winning streak they're putting together a motion picture. and a major movie star will be playing the coach on the big screen the coach will be here next week for in in the studio interview. there is no coach professional congress or college has had a more
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victories than he had secured and everybody looks the sports it differently. however, you can see some of these 25 year old with the best part of my job is to be able to meet a gentleman like that along the way. they honestly did something to help people. a great guy. if you have a lag time between games. take a look who will kick field goals tomorrow. akers & cunfiff will jim harbaugh go with the new guide or akers? >> they are making decisions
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of whether or not they want me to be here. i cannot really make any predictions. so i will just go into practice and work hard. >> it has been laid out clearly to go and practice well and give us your best. so i'm not going to war divide anything else i'm going to go up there and do my best. >> my bodyguard was at practice and first, crabtree 49ers.crabtree & gore will cost him $10,500. and also, this touchdown is going to cost him $10,500. gordoe... excuse it is that it is a possible safety violation. seoul paris his
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discrepancy that it could be a safety issue or not. -- so-there is a discrepancy if a good race safety issue or noe just is practically and his car, our crewmen, kevin the bodyguard. television, when it comes to the super bowl, super bowls ads $4 million
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last year, the record was 3.5 money and dollars for a 30 second to spot on super bowl 47.
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>> armstrong may admit doping of dollars from the state. california law says kim kardashian is ...still legally married to humphries
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